CSEFEL Training Kit 4: Helping Children Make Transitions Between Activities
Center on the Social and Emotional Foundations for Early Learning. (2008). Helping children make transitions between activities. Retrieved from http://csefel.vanderbilt.edu/kits/wwbtk4.pdf
This resource is a presentation, including detailed presenter notes, on helping children make transitions between activities in an early childhood classroom
The Project Approach: Including Every Child
Illinois Early Learning Project. (2013). Tip sheets: The project approach: Including every child. Retrieved from http://illinoisearlylearning.org/tipsheets/projects-include.htm
This website provides ideas for simple adaptations for children with disabilities to join in the work on projects. Scroll down to find links to websites specifically targeting the Project Approach and inclusive topics
Projects in Inclusive Early Childhood Classrooms
Early Childhood and Parenting Collaborative. (n.d.). Projects in inclusive early childhood classrooms. Retrieved from http://ecap.crc.illinois.edu/eecearchive/books/projcat2/edmiaston.html
This article describes how projects are well-suited for children with special needs. Click on the "The Project Approach Catalog 2" link for a multitude of resources from a book written by the Project Approach Study Group
Starting with Their Strengths: Using the Project Approach in Early Childhood Special Education
Lickey, D. & Powers, D. (2011). Starting with their strengths: Using the Project Approach in early childhood special education. Early Childhood Education Series. New York: Teachers College Press. Retrieved from http://www.eric.ed.gov/ERICWebPortal/search/recordDetails.jsp?ERICExtSearch_SearchValue_0=ED522868&searchtype=keyword&ERICExtSearch_SearchType_0=no&_pageLabel=RecordDetails&accno=ED522868&_nfls=false&source=ae
This book provides a comprehensive and practical guide to using the Project Approach when teaching young children with special needs.
*Must be purchased and ordered in advance.
Honoring the Child with Dyslexia in a Montessori Classroom
Skotheim, M. (2009). Honoring the child with dyslexia in a Montessori classroom. Montessori Life: A Publication of the American Montessori Society, 21(1), 36-40.
This article offers several screening activities for pre-reading children that classroom teachers can use to identify and help a child with dyslexia.
HighScope for Children With Special Needs: A Developmental Approach DVD
HighScope. (n.d.). HighScope for children with special needs: A developmental approach DVD. Retrieved from http://secure.highscope.org/
This DVD shows sequences from several inclusive settings about how HighScope teachers model the process of incorporating key learning experiences and IEP goals with the daily routine.
*Must be purchased and ordered in advance.
CONNECT Module 3: Communication for Collaboration
CONNECT. (n.d.). Module 3: Communication for collaboration. Retrieved from http://community.fpg.unc.edu/connect-modules/learners/module-3
This multi-media web-based module takes the learner through a decision-making process to learn about effective communication practices that can promote collaboration with professionals and families
CONNECT. (n.d.). Module 2: Transition. Retrieved from http://community.fpg.unc.edu/connect-modules/learners/module-2
This multi-media web-based module takes the learner through a decision-making process to select practices that help to support children and families as they transition among programs
CONNECT: Foundations of Transition for Young Children Video
CONNECT. (n.d.). Foundations of transition for young children. Retrieved fromhttp://community.fpg.unc.edu/connect-modules/resources/videos/foundations-of-transition
This video is a good introduction to promising practices related to the transition of young children among early childhood settings.
Disability Rights Wisconsin. (2008). A thinking guide to inclusive childcare: For those who care about young children with and without disabilities. Retrieved from http://www.disabilityrightswi.org/wp-content/uploads/2008/02/thinking-guide-to-inclusive-child-care.pdf
This guide contains information regarding how to develop practices that account for the individual needs of children and families. It includes guides to use when communicating with parents and other childcare staff members.
South Carolina ABC Child Care Program. (2013). Early childhood inclusion. Retrieved from http://www.abcqualitycare.org/pages/article_googe_inclusion_1
This article provides information about inclusion in early child care programs.
Head Start Center for Inclusion Community Book Group
Head Start Center for Inclusion. (n.d.). HSCI community book group. Retrieved from http://depts.washington.edu/hscenter/book-group
This website provides a list of children’s books with an accompanying guide on how to use the book at home and school
Let's Read Together: Tools for Early Literacy Development for All Young Children
Bruns, D. & Pierce, C. (2007). Let’s read together: Tools for early literacy development for all young children. Young Exceptional Children, 10(2), 2-10, doi: 10.1177/109625060701000201
This article provides an overview of effective early literacy activities and provides an investigation of “Stepping Stones to Literacy,” an early literacy intervention program.
As Easy as ABC: Facilitating Early Literacy Enrichment Experiences
Bingham, A. & Pennington, J. (2007). As easy as ABC: Facilitating early literacy enrichment experiences. Young Exceptional Children, 10(2), 17-29, doi: 10.1177/109625060701000203
This article discusses strategies to support oral language development, print concepts, and phonemic awareness in young children.
DiCarlo, C. & Vagianos, L. (2009). Using child preferences to increase play across interest centers in inclusive early childhood classrooms. Young Exceptional Children, 12(4), 31-39, doi: 10.1177/1096250609339156
This article discusses using naturalistic teaching strategies to embed preferred toys and materials into less-preferred centers.
Children's Books as a Vehicle for Teaching Teachers Ways to Help Children Value Differences
Appl, D. & Pratt, T. (2007). Children’s books as a vehicle for teaching teachers ways to help children value differences. Young Exceptional Children, 10(4), 2-10, doi: 10.1177/109625060701000401
This article discusses teaching pre-service teachers to use children's books in new ways.
I’m Tyler: Don’t be Surprised DVD
I’m Tyler: Don’t be surprised. (n.d.). Retrieved from http://www.imtyler.org/
This short video, created by Tyler Green, provides a snapshot of Tyler’s life and the many people in his life who practiced ability awareness.
*Must be purchased and ordered in advance.
Skilled and Knowledgeable Caregivers: The Role of Fathers in Supporting Young Children's Development
Quesenberry, A., Ostrosky, M. M., & Corso, R. (2007). Skilled and knowledgeable caregivers: The role of fathers in supporting young children’s development. Young Exceptional Children, 10(4), 11-19, doi: 10.1177/109625060701000402
This article describes the role of fathers in supporting development and strategies to support that involvement.
The Light Fantastic: Making Learning Visible for All Children Through the Project Approach
Harris, K. & Gleim, L. (2008). The light fantastic: Making learning visible for all children through the project approach. Young Exceptional Children, 11(3), 27-40, doi: 10.1177/1096250608314591
This article provides a description of the Project Approach from the context of an inclusive early childhood program.
Siblings of Children with Special Needs
Head Start Center for Inclusion. (n.d.). Siblings of children with special needs. Retrieved from http://depts.washington.edu/hscenter/2009-broadcast-siblings
This is a 69-minute broadcast call about siblings of children with disabilities; PowerPoint slides and a description of the program are also available
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